Launching Ceremony of Gulshan Branch
BRAC EPL is starting its journey in Gulshan Branch having every kind of benefits of Portfolio Management & Stock Brokerage services for all types of investors. The inauguration ceremony of the renovated Gulshan Branch was announced on April 25, 2010. Mr. Muhammad A. (Rumee) Ali, Chairman of BRAC Bank and BRAC EPL, graced the inauguration ceremony. Mr. Saiful Islam, Vice Chairman of BRAC EPL, Mr. Khaled Farazi, Chief Executive Officer of BRAC EPL Investments Limited, Abul Ehtesham Abdul Muhaimen, Managing Director of BRAC Bank, Syed Mahbubur Rahman, DMD of BRAC Bank and all others senior officials of BRAC Bank and BRAC EPL were also present on the auspicious occasion. The program has got huge press and media coverage.